Friday, January 27, 2012

Obama's main points in his speech were about making America a better place. He talked about making this country a better place by giving more opportunities to hard workers and responsible people. He wants to fix the problems in our country and help other people, Obama wants to help people who are responsible and deserve the opportunity to get a job. Obama also speaks about cutting the payroll tax. He also mentions school, making it easier for students to succeed. State of the Union 2012 is about hope for the future, helping out those who need it and work hard.
This speech made me feel hopeful. He had great ideas, but it doesn't seem like he's changed anything throughout the years. He promised to do certain things but it didn't happen. It kind of frustrated me when he talked about college, mainly because college has only gotten more expensive and we're going through a recession and jobs are not easy to find. Obama's speech sounds like a good plan, but it doesn't seem like anyone is doing anything about it, why isn't anyone trying to fix the problems. There are more prisons than schools, illegal immigration is still a problem and gasoline is only getting more expensive. I feel like he says what Americans want to hear. I agree with Obama when he spoke about taxes, cutting the payroll tax. If someone is making a million dollars, they should be paying more than 30%, if someone makes less money they should get help and not have to pay more taxes than the rich. Overall, I believe his ideas sound great but no one is changing anything.
Wordle Assignment